Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Years ago, when I was in the final stages of gathering all the judges' results and assimilating them into my own research for my master's thesis, I came upon what seemed to be an impossibility -- a statistical anomaly, as it were ... that there was a negative correlation between intelligence and creativity.

It blew my mind. It blew my major professor's mind. She referred me to one of her associates at Purdue who was an expert in statistics, and that led to an interesting addition to my thesis. (For those of you who might be curious, there is not a negative correlation!)

Generally speaking I am not preoccupied with statistics, but I wonder -- and I put the question to you today -- , "How much of television advertising revenues come from election campaigns?"

It has got to be just a humongous number/percentage!! Even more so in those areas/regions/states where the races are 'close'. The media thrives on stuff like this, you know. They love controversy!

You know, we hear all the time about how dependent retailers are on Christmas sales to meet their annual 'quotas'. (And, once again, I give a "Boo, Walmart!" shoutout for dragging out their Christmas displays this year almost before October had even begun.)

I'm sure there must be nearly a gazillion 'experts' in statistical analyses out there who are just salivating at the numbers. Do you have any idea what those numbers might be??

I, for one, will be very glad when November 5th dawns.


Chuck said...

I heard on WGN radio years ago that stations (at least major market stations) lose money on campaign advertising. This was years ago, so it may have changed. The explanation was that stations have X number of advertising minutes per hour, they must accept campaign advertising, but such campaign ads paid less money than regular advertising - hence they lost money and they, too, were happy when the campaigns were over.

Goldenrod said...

That actually makes sense, Chuck. Last night I couldn't see the sense in it, but now that I've had a few hours of sleep I understand.

"x" number of advertising minutes times less $$ per ea. polit. ad = less advertising revenue.

New question: What happens to their regular advertisers who have contracts for "x" no. of ad. minutes and the stations cannot fulfill them ... can the stations be sued for breach of contract? I mean, that's GOT to result in lost revenue for these regul. adv'ers!

Sure, the lt. rev. would be hard to prove and the stations could "make up" the mins. ltr., but still! A worth question, I think.

Thanks for your explanation.