Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bits & pieces

Well, Channel 11 is showing Ike relief and recovery efforts again this morning instead of Charles Osgood, so I thought I'd take a looksee through some of my "Favorites".

Do you all know what a "meme" is? ... ... Any idea or behavior that can pass from one person to another by learning or imitation.

In my relatively short history of time spent in the blogosphere, I have seen many different memes of varying themes. Two days ago, Nancy posted "The Husband Meme" on her site. It's clever, and you would probably get a chuckle or two if you clicked on the link. It's dated Friday, September 19th. My link thingee isn't properly working for this one, so if she's posted another since then (and before you read this and hit the link -- she hasn't yet, but you never know, she could sneak another one in on us), just scroll down until you get the right post, OK?

She suggests that a man do "The Wife Meme". Perhaps someone will take her up on that?

Very early this morning, Tammy posted pix of her family going to the circus last night, and she includes a couple of YouTube dealies of the 3-motorcycle act inside a large ball and the human cannonball, in addition to a few photos of some of her family enjoying the festivities. Neat!

It reminded me of the last time I went to the circus. It was about ten years ago, during my cab-driving years.

One of the "up" sides of the taxicab business is that you get to meet so many different people. (It can also be one of the "down" sides ... depends on the people.)

Anyway, this one afternoon I picked up a gentleman at Hobby Airport who wanted to go where the circus was setting up. Well, uninformed me! I wasn't even aware that a circus was setting up!! So, he got on his cell phone (What did we ever do before cell phones??), talked with someone who was at the site, and away we went.

I've always loved the circus. Does anyone not? We had a fun time all the way there talking about his circus, whatall kinds of special acts it had to offer, etc. It was obvious that I was excited just talking about the circus, and he invited me to attend that evening as his guest! (Turns out he was the owner.)

Long story short, I did, and one of the special features was three motorcyclists doing the very same precision act that Tammy includes in her post.

Kind of a sad note ... M*A*S*H is nowhere to be found! This change in scheduling occurred about a week before Ike blew through. Two local channels -- 20 & 26, co-owned -- carried the reruns. I imagine this void will exist until the station/s receive enough requests/complaints to start showing it again. (I must make a mental note to call the station/s and make the request/complaint.)

Thought I'd post this one and #2 on "Fun with word games" this morning. Won't have time later. DSL's coming over to see if he can get my monitor back. Sure hope it wasn't 'fried' a week ago Friday night. Also, I think he's planning to get up on the roof and try to clean out my gutters. You can probably imagine the debris!

Also this afternoon, the Astros game (they're in Pittsburgh right now) will be televised. They lost again last night, and so their hopes for a 'wild card' berth are pretty much gone, but still -- they're my team. You'll probably notice me going into a post baseball season withdrawal in another week or two. If you do, and you think I'm not coming out of it like I should, give me a swift kick in the you-know-what in one of your comments, OK? I hereby give you permission to do so.

Later this evening, I'm scheduled to play bridge in a team game with Bob Johnson, but that one's kind of up in the air. It'll be at a new location -- just off the Beltway, and no more than 10 minutes from my house, how's that for convenience? -- but Bob didn't know for sure the other day when he called that it would take place, what with all of Houston's power problems. We'll see.

SO, there you have it! Hope your day is starting off well. See you later!!

PS. It's now 11am. DSL came over quite a bit sooner than expected. He's now gone over to WalMart to get me a new monitor ... old one "died" ... we said a few choice words over it.


tamlovesran said...

Wow! You're a busy lady with a lot to blog about. Thanks for linking to my blog. I wonder if you went to Cole Brothers Circus too? I'm off to see the Meme you mentioned - I love those things.

Craig Peihopa said...

loved this post Goldenrod