Thursday, March 13, 2008

My day so far ...

... has been fairly boring, actually.

When I first get up, I go 'you know where' and then check to see if I have any e-mails ... I like e-mails!

That task accomplished, I then either zap leftover coffee in the microwave or brew (in my case 'drip') a new pot. I like Folger's, and I like it strong. I mean, not so strong that it would make me permanently bald if I actually drank it for any length of time, but strong ... black, no cream, and certainly no sugar.

Then I go back to my new toy, the computer.

One e-mail I thought I might have some fun responding to was -- something like, "We are looking for smokers/non-smokers to complete a survey. After completion of this survey, we will send you a million dollars!"

Now, who in their right mind would not respond to an e-mail like that? (All right, I admit I 'made up' the million dollars, O.K? Stop shouting at me!)

An hour and a half later, after being sucked into a (seemingly) never-ending morass of "based on your responses" questionnaires, I FInally figured -- you must have come to the conclusion by now, that I am close to being an absolute idiot! -- out that you have to just answer 'No' to everything ... and, if push ever finally comes to shove, you simply hit "Delete/Cancel", whatever -- ANYthing to get it to go away!!

I DID it (I think!) ... however, I am still "unsubscribing" to all sorts of 'crap'.

It is my personal opinion that everyone should have this experience at least once in their lifetime.

A new (and welcome) e-mail came in from Tammy. She had added a comment to my last post, that of the 'possum update. (By the way, Tammy, I added one to yours.)

That reminds me ... after receiving Tammy's e-mail, I went out to the garage to check on possible vile smells emanating from that area.

Not yet (knock on wood), but garbage people don't come until tomorrow.

On the way back into the house, I noticed a whole lot more leaves in my backyard. They were just lying there, silently entreating, "Please rake us up. You don't have a compost pile. What else could you possibly need us for? We are dead, real eyesores, and are covering up potentially healthy and nice-looking grass. Why are you putting up with us, anyway?! What's wrong with you?"

I thought, "All right, already! Get off my back, will you?"

And then, I came back into the house, where I am writing this post. Fait accompli.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

The things that pop up on my computer telling me I'm a winner, or I can get something for FREE are so annoying. I spent like 30 minutes one time trying to get a FREE Applebee's dinner for two. Question after question after question. I finally had to just give up. So annoying.....

By the way, my friend Jim left me a comment on my latest blog post. In his comment, there is a link to a video of the museum exhibit that was shown on one of our local t.v. news reports. Pretty cool! :)